Shenley Green Surgery has one Practice Nurse and one Health Care Assistant (HCA)
What does the Practice Nurse do?
Our practice Nurse offers appointments for contraception reviews as well as on-going management of Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Heart Disease and high blood pressure. They offer wound management, Smears, Child Immunistations and Post Natals. When you are due for any of the above you will initially receive a text reminder from the surgery to book yourself an appointment. If you do not have a mobile, we will give you a call on your land line or send you a reminder letter. It is important that you book these appointments, so that we are able to monitor your health and make sure that you are receiving the best care for you condition.
Appointments such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetic Reviews (after the health check) and contraception reviews are usually done via telephone. If the Practice Nurse thinks you need to be booked in face to face this will be arranged with you over the phone.
If you have a home blood pressure monitoring machine you may also be asked to monitor this at home prior to your review.
What does the Health Care Assistant do?
Our Health Care Assistant can provide phlebotomy, B12 injections, NHS health checks, blood pressure readings, ECG’s, wound management and stitches/staples removal. We will not be able to book your appointment if this has not being requested by a GP or health care professional. IF you feel you need a blood test etc please call the surgery and speak with a Doctor before booking your blood test.
Our HCA will visit our patients who are housebound for there health checks and blood tests. The HCA is not able to do B12s, wound management or immunisations at home. These aliments may need to be referred to our District Nursing team. If this is the case you will need to speak to a Doctor to get this referral, if the doctor hasn’t already done so.
Please ask for an appointment with the most appropriate member of our practice team when calling to book your appointment.